• No problem. 沒問題。
  • That's OK. 沒關係。
  • That's all right. 沒關係。
  • Don't cry. 不要哭。
  • Take it easy. 放輕鬆。
  • Easy, Easy. 放輕鬆。
  • Calm down. 放輕鬆。
  • Relax.  放輕鬆。
  • Take your time. 慢慢來別著急。
  • You can do it. 你可以辦到。
  • Give it a try. 試試看。
  • Good luck. 祝你好運。
  • Let's cross our fingers. 祝我們好運。
  • May your dreams come true. 希望你的美夢成真。
  • Do your best. 盡你的全力。
  • Give it your best. 盡你的全力。
  • You'll work it out. 你會想到辦法的。
  • You have it in you. 你是有潛力的。
  • You're on your own. 你要靠自己。/ 要堅強點。
  • Piece of cake! 簡單啦!
  • Sounds fun. 聽起來好像不錯。
  • Sounds great. 聽起來好像不錯。
  • It's worth a try. 值得一試。
  • Have confidence. 要有信心。
  • Be confident. 要有信心。
  • Don't be afraid. 別害怕。
  • Don't be scared. 別害怕。
  • Have heart. 拿出勇氣來。
  • Have a heart. 要體諒別人。
  • It's now or never. 別錯失機會。
  • Go for it. 加油。
  • Come on. 加油。
  • Hooray! 萬歲!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! 萬歲!
  • Let's go! 我們走吧!
  • I'll cheer for you. 我會為你加油。
  • You've got it. 你做得越來越好了。
  • There you go. 就是這樣。
  • Keep trying. 繼續加油。
  • Don't give up. 別放棄。
  • Good try. 加油。
  • Almost! 幾乎!
  • That's tough. 那太糟糕了。
  • That's too bad. 那太不好了。
  • Cheer up! 振作一點!
  • Never mind. 別在意。
  • That's not your fault. 那不是你的錯。
  • Today isn't your day. 今天你的運氣不好。
  • It's unfortunate. 運氣不好。
  • Better luck next time. 下次會更好。
  • I wish you success! 願你成功!
  • Tough luck. 真倒楣。
  • What a pity. 好可惜喔!
  • I was so worried. 我很擔心你。
  • I feel for you. 我了解你的心情。
  • I see what you mean. 我了解你的意思。
  • It can't be helped. 沒辦法。
  • Let it go. 過去的就讓它過去吧。
  • Let bygones be bygones. 過去的就讓它過去吧。
  • You must accept this. 你必須接受這個。
  • Face it. 面對現實吧。





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    Emily Lin


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