


  1. Thanksgiving Day  感恩節
  2. the fourth Thursday of November  十一月的第四個星期四
  3. Englishmen  英國人
  4. Pilgrim   清教徒
  5. new  continet    新大陸
  6. Mayflower  五月花號
  7. church  教堂
  8. Indians   印地安人
  9. hunt   打獵
  10. woods  森林
  11. arrow  箭
  12. bow  弓
  13. corn 玉米
  14. potatoes   馬鈴薯
  15. turkey  火雞
  16. cranberry   蔓越莓
  17. pumpkin  南瓜
  18. big feast   饗宴
  19. thankful  感謝的
  20. God   上帝
  21. cornucopia   豐饒的山羊角
  22. harvest   收穫


The story of Thanksgiving:


1.  In 1620, many Englishmen sailed to America on ships. One of those ships was

      called the Mayflower.

2.  These Englishmen were called Pilgrims.

3.  The pilgrims settled down in the new continent. They cut down trees to build

       houses and churches. Soon the winter came.

4.  The Pilgrims had a hard time during the first winter. They didn't have enough

      food and clothes. Therefore, many of them got sick and died.

5.  In the spring, Indians visited the Pilgrims. They taught the Pilgrims how to plant

      corn. They also taught the Pilgrims how to hunt for turkeys in the woods.

6.  When autumn came, the Pilgrims had enough food for the winter. They were

      very happy. They invited the Indians to have a big feast to celebrate with them.

7.   The Pilgrims were thanksful to God for the blessing of help they had received

       from the Indians.

8.  That was the first Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States.

9.  Now Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November

      every year.



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    Emily Lin


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