- Teacher's Day 教師節
- September 28th 九月二十八日
- Confucius 孔子
- philosophy 哲學
- moral lessons 道德課
- Lu Kingdom 魯國
- scholar 學者
- politician 政治家
The Story of Teacher's Day (教師節的由來)
1. Confucius was a well-known teacher in the Lu Kingdom 2000 years ago.
2. He taught many people moral lessons. Then he became
a master of philosophy.
3. He was even an advisor to the king of Lu. But the king didn't
listen to Confucius' advice.
4. So Confucius left the Lu Kingdom. He taught people in
other kingdoms good moral lessons.
5. Many people studied his lessons. One of his most famous lessons is
“do not listen to, speak about, or watch bad things.”
(非禮勿聽、非禮勿言、 非禮勿視)
6. Confucius had more than 2000 students. Many of them became
famous scholars and politicians.
7. To honor him, the Chinese Government declared Confucius'
birthday as National Teacher's Day.
8. On Teacher's Day, many students say "Thank you" to their teachers.
9. This day is special for teachers and students, thanks to Confucius.
How to write a letter to your teacher: (如何寫英文教師節卡片)
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss ________:
I am so glad to be your student. I have learned many things from you,
such as English, _________ and _________. It is fun to be with you.
You really are the sunshine in my life.
On this Teacher's Day, I sincerely want to say “Thank you”and
“Happy Teacher's Day” to you.
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